FRIDAY AUGUST 15, 2020 @ 6PM

DON’T SHOOT Brent Duncan • USA • 2019 • Drama • 9 minutes

Quincy drives home from work on the backroads so he can enjoy a blunt on the way home. But police lights behind him put him in panic as he pulls over. He tries to remain calm as the sharp tongued pure southern white officer shouts his demands. Suddenly the cop is spooked and draws his gun. Quincy is pulled from the car and thrown to the ground.
He lies there while the cop searched his car. This seems like the nightmare he has been warned of his entire life. But the encounter takes a turn and Quincy learns something about hate and fear.

Eric Zhang is a director, writer, cinematographer and photographer that currently lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada but grew up in Beijing, China. Eric has several film credits as a producer, some of which are on IMDb and others are uncredited. Award winning tv series like “Teresa Teng”, “Ivy Monsters”, “Gank Your Heart” and “Sorry I Love You” as a local line producer for the Canadian unit. Eric majored in Film Studies at University of British Columbia and graduated in Film Production at Vancouver Film School.